Hypercity may find itself permanently in the Grumbles and Grudges place of dishonor. Today while shopping there I had 3 yes 3 people approach me to ask if I had a Hypercity card. Yes, I have that useless piece of plastic clogging up my wallet. When I got to the checkouts (at 12:20pm on a Thursday), there were only 2 cash registers open and each had lines 6+ people deep. I am strongly opposed to waiting in lines, so I left my cart and headed over to the Customer Service to demand ask that they open up more registers because this (wave of hand) "is unacceptable". Their reply "5 minutes, Madame, we will find the manager." Long story short...25 minutes later I was in my car. They opened up one more register while I was nearly at the front of my line (watching in silent disbelief at the absurd purchase of 15+ bottles of Thums Up, 15+ bottles of Coke, and countless individual chocolate bars and candies, only then to watch the guy pay with food vouchers).
Dear Hypercity, too little too late. You are back at the top of the Grumbles and Grudges list.